10x Your Productivity With This 3-Step Daily Review Process

Dianna Lesage
5 min readNov 27, 2022

Waking up with thoughts racing, mental brain dump flooding your mind, everything on your to-do list comes rushing to the surface.

You know the feeling.

There’s an old saying that failing to plan is planning to fail and there’s a reason it has stuck around for so long.

As an entrepreneur, and even moreso as a solopreneur, the only way to win is to be relentlessly efficient.

Everything from your personal to professional and social life is on you to organize.

You need a plan. A simple, repeatable, daily plan to keep you in control.

I’ve tried many productivity tools, read books on how to organize for maximum output, and developed comprehensive multi-hour systems for achieving peace of mind with regards to my to-do list but over years of testing and refining, I’ve found that a daily, simple, fast review gets the job done better than any system or software I’ve tried.

Here’s the 3-step daily review process I use:

I do this at the end of every work day to ensure everything is fresh in my mind and tasks are properly weighted in terms of priority.



Dianna Lesage

Venture Studio expert. Creator capitalist. Lover of innovation.