Agreed. And do you know where this is both really relevant and clear? In the knowledge (or I should say lack of knowledge) that people have about their body and physiology.
I’ve recently gotten into reading about evolutionary psychology essentially looking for answers to the question “why do we do that?” since at this point all of our behaviors are just kind of instincts from evolution. So to understand them you have to go back a few million years.
What I’ve found is that reward hacking and biohacking are kind of similar concepts. Liek you don’t have to change the scope of things drastically to get humans to act in a certain way- you just have to give them certain information in the right way.
So, as far as health goes. We have all of these wearables and sensors that can track our physiological and biological conditions but no one knows how to read and EKG or what the Heart Rate Variability test results mean so the information is useless. But the information is vital. We have one body and we know virtually nothing about it.
This is a problem where the solution exists it’s just not been implemented in the right way. We have the wearables and the technology to do the things we need them to do, ow we just need some company to step up and interpret the information and gamify the functions so that us “regular” humans can follow along.