An Entrepreneurial Resolution

Dianna Lesage
4 min readDec 28, 2018

Only two things are ever really certain in life: time will pass and, eventually, so will we. Because we have limited time on earth- it makes sense that we reflect on each year that ends and set goals for years to come. New Years resolutions are often joked about as being fleeting ambitions for a better life and unfortunately these jokes arent that far off from reality. For most people, not accomplishing goals or hitting the right milestones is disappointing but for an entrepreneur- these mistakes could be career ending.

The is a lot of research around why people don’t follow through with their New Years resolutions but one of the main reasons is because the person doesn't see results fast enough. You can imagine how this works with exercise, weight loss, relationships, budgeting, and similar goals- but entrepreneurs often have more focused resolutions- like raising money or scaling up. So, as a business owner, how can you keep yourself on track and make real progress?

Measurement. Not only do you need to set the goal, but you need to determine what success looks like, and then be able to evaluate where you are and how far you have left to go. This is hard to do objectively because we are all biased toward ourselves. No need to run out and hire a life coach though- thankfully some effective and easy to use tools already exist to help.



Dianna Lesage

Venture Studio expert. Creator capitalist. Lover of innovation.