And how do you quantify this is one of the problems I’ve been turning over in my head. Like, if I give $20 for a collective fund for a baby shower for a colleague at work I know exactly what I contributed and what that gains me as far as social standing- I get the respect of my peers, I get to enjoy the festivities at work on the day of the baby shower, I get a thank you card from the parents of the baby. It’s very clear what’s being exchanged… However, most situations are not this transparent.
If I hold the door for someone and they don’t recognize it I feel like my contribution was not only taken but ignored. If it was quantifiable I would say if holding the door for someone was worth $5 in social credit, if they don’t respond to it in our fake credit scenario I’ve not gained $5 of credit I’ve just lost $5. It’s like I don’t have it in my wallet anymore but it’s not sitting as credit anywhere either.
That’s super interesting to me.