Move Over Peloton.

Dianna Lesage
5 min readJan 9, 2020

Remember when spin bikes were called stationary bikes and doubled as coat racks? Gone are the days when treadmills trended toward minimalism. In our current tech-everything-era, we are seeing a big innovation push within the made for consumer fitness equipment market.

Normally, this would make me happy as I can still remember the first time I walked into a gym and fumbled with headphones, iPhones, weights, and pulley systems thinking “this is stupid, why isn’t this more integrated.”

When I witnessed the evolution of machines toward connected hardware that played music via Bluetooth and automatically synced my workout with my fitness apps- I was proud of tech for taking this sector to new heights. Some machines even scan a QRcode and adjust instantly to your preferred weight. Tech is improving the industry, but only when it’s used in situations of ingenuity and not when it costs too much for consumers to purchase.


Peloton revolutionized the fitness industry by really bringing the gym to the home. Ripe with community, live classes, competition via a leaderboard, and a really good bike riding experience- Peloton thrived in the consumer fitness space. Like any new business though, the competition was quick to follow.



Dianna Lesage

Venture Studio expert. Creator capitalist. Lover of innovation.